State Scientific Research Laboratory for
Quality Control of Medicines

21.06.2020. Happy medical worker day!

Dear colleagues, dear friends!

By tradition, on the third Sunday of June, we celebrate the Day of the medical worker. We heartily congratulate all those who, at the call of their hearts, linked their fate with the noble profession of a physician.

The medical profession is one of the most difficult in the world. Studying with her is long and sometimes difficult, but the results of this work exceed all expectations - these are smiles and gratitude of the people you saved and their loved ones.

Dear our doctors! In this difficult period of the COVID-19 pandemic, you have a particularly difficult time! I would like to congratulate you on the holiday, wish patience, harmony with yourself, support from loved ones, good health and well-being.

May the self-confidence not leave you in these difficult days of struggle with COVID-19, the respect and trust of friends, love and understanding of loved ones will grow. We will certainly stand, because physicians are special people.

Please accept our warmest and most sincere congratulations on your professional holiday!

With respect and gratitude for your work, from the laboratory staff

N. Ostanina.