State Scientific Research Laboratory for
Quality Control of Medicines

12.03.2020. Working meeting on the quality of dietary supplements

On the initiative of the public association "Association of responsible manufacturers of dietary supplements", State Institution “O.M. Marzieiev Institute for Public Health (IPH), National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” held a working meeting on the quality of dietary supplements..

Controlling the circulation of dietary supplements is currently outside the scope of the State Service's mandate, in accordance with the Regulation on the State Service of Ukraine for Medicinal Products and Drug Control..

However, lately, numerous complaints have been received from the State Service regarding doubts about the quality of dietary supplements purchased at pharmacies, the deterioration of health after taking such products and the need for laboratory monitoring..

During the meeting the issues were discussed, in particular, about the lack of effective control over dietary supplements, regarding the availability of potentially dangerous dietary supplements on the market of Ukraine, to which the manufacturer inserts medicines, the presence of which he indicates or does not indicate (potent psychotropic, hormonal and antihistam drugs). , non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.)..

So, today, the urgent need is to streamline the market for dietary supplements, identify those that contain drugs, strengthen control over labeling, and so on..

As a result of the working meeting, it was decided to initiate amendments to the regulatory framework for the control of such products..